State Roads
Project Overview
Horry County Council passed a resolution of May 15, 2007, to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to act as project/construction manager for those named state highway projects included on the road list. Those road projects include:
- a grade separated interchange at the intersection of US Highway 17 Bypass and SC Highway 707 at the backgate of the former Myrtle Beach Air Base;
- widen SC Highway 707 from Enterprise Road to the county line including intersection improvements at SC Highway 544;
- construction of the Aynor Overpass; and
- widen Glenns Bay Road to 3-lanes and construct a grade separated interchange at US Highway 17 Bypass.
As project/construction manager, the SCDOT will prepare for each project listed above a detailed scope of work, budget and schedule based upon three phases for each project:
- design, preliminary engineering and environmental work;
- right-of-way acquisition; and
- construction.
Project Status Update
Description: Construction of a grade-separated interchange at the existing US Route 17/SC Route 707 intersection at the backgate of the former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base.
Status: Construction of the ramps on the west side of the US 17/SC 707/Farrow Parkway intersection are ongoing, including the placement of fill material, construction of retaining walls, and installation of storm drainage.
- Preliminary Design: Fall 2007 - Summer 2009 (Complete)
- Right-of-way acquisition: Summer 2009 - Summer 2010 (Complete)
- Construction Spring 2011 – Fall 2014 (Complete)
Description: Widening of SC Route 707 from a 2-lane shoulder section to a 5-lane curb and gutter facility with sidewalks from just south of Enterprise Road (S-26-926) in Horry County to US Route 17 in Georgetown County, a distance of approximately 9.2 miles. The project has been broken in to three phases: Phase I is from just south of Enterprise Road (S-26-926) to Salem Road. Phase II runs from Salem Road to the Horry/Georgetown County line. Phase III limits are from the Horry/Georgetown County line to US Route 17. All phases will be developed concurrently. In order to provide more immediate congestion relief, the project also includes interim intersection improvements at SC 707 and Big Block Road to include the installation of a new traffic signal and turn lanes on both SC 707 and Big Block Road.
Status: Relocations of utilities continue throughout the entire corridor. The installation of the drainage system will begin at both the northern and southern ends of the project and will continue towards the middle. The main paving project is underway.
- Preliminary Design: Fall 2007 – Spring 2009 (Complete)
- Right-of-way acquisition: (95% Complete)
- Letting of advanced clearing and grubbing project for utility relocations and SC 707/Big Block Road interim intersection project: August 2013 (Complete)
- Completion of advanced clearing and grubbing project: Spring 2014 (Complete)
- Completion of SC707/Big Block Road interim intersection project: Fall 2014(Complete)
- Letting of main widening project: Spring 2014 (Complete)
- Construction completion of main widening project: Spring 2018
Aynor Overpass Newsletters
Description: New overpass over US Route 501 in the Town of Aynor.
Status: Construction was completed in August 2012 and the road and bridge are open to traffic.
- Consultant notice-to-proceed: January 2008 (Complete)
- Preliminary Engineering: January 2008 - Spring 2009 (Complete)
- Right-of-way acquisition: Spring 2009 – Spring 2010 (Complete)
- Construction: August 2012 (Complete)
Description: Widening of Glenns Bay Road (S-26-1240) from a 2-lane shoulder section to a 3-lane curb and gutter facility with sidewalks from US Route 17 Bypass to US Route 17 Business, a distance if approximately 1.6 miles. The project will also include an interchange at US Route 17 Bypass and Glenns Bay Road.
Status: Clearing and grubbing efforts are underway throughout the project corridor. Utilities will begin relocating their facilities within the footprint of the interchange the beginning of 2015 and will then continue with relocations along Glenns Bay Road. Once all utilities have been relocated along US 17 Bypass, work will begin on the ground modifications for the interchange.
- Consultant Selection: December 2007 (Complete)
- Consultant notice-to-proceed: March 2008 (Complete)
- Preliminary Engineering: Spring 2008 - Winter 2010 (Complete)
- Right-of-way acquisition: Winter 2010 – Winter 2013 (Complete)
- Advertising of Construction Bids: May 2014 (Complete)
- Construction Bids Opened: July 2014 (Complete)
- Construction: November 2014 – Spring 2018(Under Construction)
Description:Borrow material is being placed between Enterprise Road and SC-707 in order to form the base of the roadbed. The installation of the bridge foundations for the Intracoastal Waterway (ICWW) bridge continues, and the relocation of utilities is ongoing. The planned, temporary closure of Enterprise Road is expected to begin late 2015/early 2016. The temporary closure is expected to last nine months.
- Preliminary engineering: (Complete)
- Right-of-Way acquisition: (Complete)
- Letting construction: October 2013 (Complete)
- Notice to proceed construction: February 3, 2014 (Complete)
- Completion of construction: Fall 2019
Cost: The total project, including preliminary engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction is estimated to cost $225-$237 million and is funded by the State Infrastructure Bank ($225M), American Recovery and Investment Act Funds ($10M) and earmark funds ($2M).